
SMB to Enterprise Cloud Native & DevSecOps Transformation Consultancy

We have deep expertise in building enterprise-grade cloud native and DevSecOps Transformation projects with a particular focus on GovCloud and Government Organiaations.

What Services We Offer

From enterprise to government, SGMC Technology provides quality technology solutions that help our clients achieve their goals. With over 10 years of experience, we understand what it takes to deliver the highest standards in service and support.

Enterprise DevSecOps

Enterprise DevSecOps accelerates cloud-native transformation with an integrated, flexible platform. Using the same tools and guidelines throughout your entire organization allows you to drive change without relying on technology or infrastructure changes. Increase efficiency, reduce risk, and accelerate time to market.

Cloud and Digital transformation

Digital transformation involves integrating digital technology into business processes, culture, and customer experiences. Modern digital technologies are incorporated into business processes and customer experiences to meet changing business and market dynamics-including public, private, and hybrid cloud platforms.


In modern IT organizations, containers are the de facto standard for deploying, managing, and running applications in order to streamline the entire IT stack. By providing a consistent, repeatable environment, they provide a consistent way for developers to build, deploy, and run applications using a unified process.

Cyber Security

Security is key to digital modernization. We help clients leverage their existing technology investments and deploy cloud-based infrastructure, identity solutions, and cybersecurity programs. Manage digital supply chains without disruption. Our team protects your infrastructure, platforms, and software supply chain.

Enterprise DevSecOps

Enterprise DevSecOps helps organizations combine aspects of DevOps, such as automation and continuous delivery, with security best practices to ensure that applications are secure and compliant. By building security into the development process, organizations can reduce costs while maintaining high levels of security assurance.

Cloud and Digital Transformation

Cloud and Digital Transformation is a key trend in the technology industry that’s transforming how organizations operate, innovate and differentiate themselves. As this transformation continues, businesses are consistently looking for new ways to drive innovation and improve customer experience. Our mission is to help companies navigate through these changes so they can stay competitive, agile and relevant in today’s market.


The SGMC Technology team makes software development and research teams more productive by helping them deploy microservices in the most efficient manner possible. We built our company on the idea that containerization is a method of deploying applications with all the necessary components and dependencies packaged together, enabling organizations to reduce operational costs while speeding up development.

Cyber Security

Cyber security is one of the most important aspects of running your business. With stiff penalties for data breaches and cyber attacks, protecting your systems and preserving the privacy of your customers is essential. SGMC Technology offers a wide range of services to help you protect against malware, ransomware attacks, phishing scams or other digital threats that can compromise the integrity of your systems or data.

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